Monday, December 14, 2015

Basic Maintenance for Upholstered Furniture

image10Maintaining upholstered furniture should not be a painstaking task. As long as you know the basics, you can have a great looking sofa year after year.

Buy the Right Fabric

The best way to make sure your upholstered furniture will last for a long time is to choose the right fabric for the right place. This will also make your upholstery maintenance job easier. Consider your lifestyle when picking an  upholstered furniture.For instance, synthetic fibers might be the best choice for upholstered furniture that would require heavy usage. If you have pets, don't settle for fabrics having loose weaves or too much texture.

Protect Your Fabric

Give prompt attention to spills. There are many fabric protectors that you can buy and apply to your upholstered furniture in the store or at home. This will help with maintenance by keeping spills from being absorbed into the upholstery fibers. However,  it doesn't mean you should not promptly clean the soiled piece. ALWAYS clean up any spills or stains as soon as you can, and follow manufacturers' instructions for proper cleaning methods.

Turn the Cushions

How can this extend your upholstered furniture's life? Periodically turning over the loose cushions will allow an even distribution of wear and tear and your cushions won't develop indentations sooner. Fluffing the cushions after you've cleaned will also help keep them in shape. As some seats get more usage than others, change cushions to ensure even usage.


Vacuuming your upholstered furniture weekly will help remove surface soil. This also prevents dirt from becoming embedded deep into the fibers. You can also use a soft bristled brush to whisk the dirt away.

Avoid Sunlight and Pollutants

Too much sun exposure can damage your upholstery fabric. It will cause it to fade and even fray. If possible, place it where the sun couldn't reach it for extended periods of time. Airborne pollutants such as fumes from cooking or smoke can likewise damage your fabric. So make sure to have proper ventilation in order to avoid your upholstered furniture to absorb odors.

Call a Professional

It is recommended to have a professional upholstery cleaning company handle the job. Having experts clean your investment on a regular basis will make sure your furniture will last for a longer period of time. Don't wait for it to get visibly dirty as it will be harder restore its original glory. Call Frank Hanna Cleaning today!

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